Press releases

07 february 2020

Brief Report on Applications, Complaints, Offers, Requests Received from Physical and Legal Entities by the National Security Service of RA in January 2020

NSS Detected Case on Committing Embezzlement by Abusing Official Position
06 february 2020
NSS Detected Case on Committing Embezzlement by Abusing Official Position

The National Security Service of RA within the framework of its authorities in the field of combating crime vested upon it by law, in order to duly initiate judicial and legal proceedings based on signals on various manifestations of corruption obtained f...

Case of Receiving Bribe in Especially Large Amount by Official Detected
05 february 2020
Case of Receiving Bribe in Especially Large Amount by Official Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vest...

Case of Stealing Money in Especially Large Amount by Officials Detected
05 february 2020
Case of Stealing Money in Especially Large Amount by Officials Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vest...

Brief Report (Annual)      
04 february 2020
Brief Report (Annual)    

According to the instruction of the Interim Director of the RA NSS E. Martirosyan, in order to ensure the transparency of the activities of the RA NSS, brief reports on applications, complaints, offers, requests received from physical and legal entities w...

Cases of Receiving Deferment of Fixed-Term Military Service and Premature Demobilization, With False Medical Documents, in Exchange for Bribe, Detected
04 february 2020
Cases of Receiving Deferment of Fixed-Term Military Service and Premature Demobilization, With False Medical Documents, in Exchange for Bribe, Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it by the law, aimed at supporting the command in maintaining the combat effe...

Another Case of Receiving Bribe Detected
03 february 2020
Another Case of Receiving Bribe Detected

The National Security Service of RA, carrying out a consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption, as result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it ...

E. Martirosyan visited Vardenis Subdivision
30 january 2020
E. Martirosyan visited Vardenis Subdivision

Interim Director of the National Security Service of the RA Colonel Eduard Martirosyan visited Vardenis Subdivision of the RA NSS Regional Department of Gegharquniq Marz, located in the town of Vardenis, at the address of L. Azgaldyan street, 1st cul de s...

E. Martirosyan participated in festive events dedicated to 28th anniversary of Armenian Army
29 january 2020
E. Martirosyan participated in festive events dedicated to 28th anniversary of Armenian Army

On 28 January 2020, on the occasion of Armenian Army Day, Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA, Colonel Eduard Martirosyan in the delegation headed by Prime Minister of RA Nikol Pashinyan visited Yerablur military pantheon. The delegati...

Military Rank of Major General Awarded to Colonel  L. Shahumyan   
29 january 2020
Military Rank of Major General Awarded to Colonel  L. Shahumyan  

On the occasion of 28th anniversary of the Armenian Army, by the decree of President of the Republic of Armenia, for the contribution and dedication to protection of the Motherland, the military rank of Major General was awarded to Colonel ...

Case of Function of Sustainable Channel for Illegal Import of Narcotic Drugs Detected
20 january 2020
Case of Function of Sustainable Channel for Illegal Import of Narcotic Drugs Detected

The National Security Service of RA, considering the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs as one of the expressions of transnational crime, strictly observing international law and domestic legislation, carrying out consistent fight against the mentioned...

Message of Condolence of NSS Interim Director Eduard Martirosyan and NSS Personnel over the passing of Georgi Kutoyan
18 january 2020
Message of Condolence of NSS Interim Director Eduard Martirosyan and NSS Personnel over the passing of Georgi Kutoyan

  The tragic news of Georgi Kutoyan’s untimely demise was painful and shocking. During the short period of leading the National Security Service of Armenia, Georgi Kutoyan managed to gain the trust and respect of his colleagues. He was an edu...

Case of receiving a bribe in especially large amounts, through extortion, detected
17 january 2020
Case of receiving a bribe in especially large amounts, through extortion, detected

The National Security Service of RA, considering the fight against various manifestations of corruption as one of the priorities, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions – vested up...

RA NSS Detected a Case of Embezzlement of 85 tons of Aviation Fuel
16 january 2020
RA NSS Detected a Case of Embezzlement of 85 tons of Aviation Fuel

The National Security Service of the RA among other functions, supporting the military command on maintaining combat readiness and the fighting capacity of the RA Armed Forces, as a result of the undertaken operative and search measures and investigation ...

Another case of extortion detected by NSS
15 january 2020
Another case of extortion detected by NSS

On 14 January 2020 an article on the case of extortion of money from a territorial military commissar of the RA Ministry of Defence of Lori marz was published stating that the RA National Security Service “is undertaking necessary operational and se...