Press releases

25 february 2020

The National Security Service being faithful to the principle of its working style being open and transparent during the implementation of the functions, taking into consideration the mass media publication and the public interest concerning criminal case...

Information received indicating calls for terrorism being disseminated through fake users
21 february 2020
Information received indicating calls for terrorism being disseminated through fake users

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the functional principle of protecting citizens’ main constitutional rights from internal and external threats, considering the extremist -creating intolerance and hatred and undermining trust a...

NSS Detected Case of Receiving Bribe by Official of Military Commissariat
19 february 2020
NSS Detected Case of Receiving Bribe by Official of Military Commissariat

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operative-search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions, vested upon it by the law...

Another Case of Receiving Bribe by Official Detected   
19 february 2020
Another Case of Receiving Bribe by Official Detected  

  The National Security Service of RA, carrying out consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption and being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating these manifestations, as a result of operative-search measur...

Another apparent event of crime-granting a deferment of fixed-term military service in exchange for a bribe-detected
19 february 2020
Another apparent event of crime-granting a deferment of fixed-term military service in exchange for a bribe-detected

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operative-search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions, vested upon it by the law...

Another Case of Attempted Illegal Import and Export of Drugs in Especially Large Amount Detected
18 february 2020
Another Case of Attempted Illegal Import and Export of Drugs in Especially Large Amount Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, keeping the international illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs under monitoring, considering it as one of the expressions of transnational crime, strictly observing international law and domestic ...

14 february 2020

  The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of being open and transparent to the public as much as possible, as well as having received in the website of YSU a feedback about the publication of 14 February 2020 from the Fa...

A number of Cases of Receiving Bribe by YSU Lecturer Detected
14 february 2020
A number of Cases of Receiving Bribe by YSU Lecturer Detected

The National Security Service of RA, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it by the law in the field of countering crime and various manifestations of corruption, detected ...

Results of combat and operational service activities of Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA   
13 february 2020
Results of combat and operational service activities of Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA  

  During 2019 at the RA state border crossing points 152 attempts of  the state border violation were prevented by the RA NSS Border Guard Troops, 26 cases of state border violations with the participation of 45 people and 92 cases of border re...

Case of Receiving Bribe by Officials of Medical and Social Expert Agency Detected
12 february 2020
Case of Receiving Bribe by Officials of Medical and Social Expert Agency Detected

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it by th...

Case of Creating Branch of Financial Pyramid and Involving Sum to It in Especially Large Amount Detected
11 february 2020
Case of Creating Branch of Financial Pyramid and Involving Sum to It in Especially Large Amount Detected

The NSS being faithful to the functional principle of protecting the rights of citizens from internal and external threats, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions in the sphere of the fi...

NSS informs
10 february 2020
NSS informs

On January 01, 2020 in the period of 07:11a.m. to 07:30a.m., several dozen subscribers of one of the mobile network operators acting in the RA, received calls from Azerbaijani and other foreign phone numbers with duration of 0 second. Some subscribers tri...

Another Case of Illegal Import of Drugs in Particularly Large Amount Detected   
10 february 2020
Another Case of Illegal Import of Drugs in Particularly Large Amount Detected  

  The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of urgent operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the framework of its functions vested upon it by law, in order to detect and prevent the...

NSS Detected Case of Infliction of Particularly Large Damage to the State by Officials
08 february 2020
NSS Detected Case of Infliction of Particularly Large Damage to the State by Officials

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, within the functions, vested upon it by the law, aimed at countering corruption, as a result of operational and search measures ...

Shift Supervisor of Bavra Customs Point Detained
07 february 2020
Shift Supervisor of Bavra Customs Point Detained

The National Security Service of  RA, being faithful to the  adopted policy aimed at eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions ve...