Press releases

E. Martirosyan Introduced to the Officers of the NSS the Newly Appointed Deputies of Director
25 december 2019
E. Martirosyan Introduced to the Officers of the NSS the Newly Appointed Deputies of Director

On December 25 Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA, Colonel Eduard Martirosyan introduced the newly appointed deputies of director Samvel Hayrapetyan and Robert Bazikyan to the leadership of divisions, regional departments, territorial...

Delegation Led by E.Martirosyan Participated in Ceremonial Meeting Dedicated to Professional Holiday of NSS of Republic of Artsakh.
21 december 2019
Delegation Led by E.Martirosyan Participated in Ceremonial Meeting Dedicated to Professional Holiday of NSS of Republic of Artsakh.

The delegation, led by Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA colonel Eduard Martirosyan, left for the Republic of Artsakh with an official visit. President of the Republic of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan hosted E. Martirosyan during the visit. ...

Martirosyan attended the event on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the formation of the Military University named after V. Sargsyan
21 december 2019
Martirosyan attended the event on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the formation of the Military University named after V. Sargsyan

On 21 December Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA, colonel Eduard Martirosyan attended the event on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the formation of the Military University named after V. Sargsyan. Martirosyan sent a congratu...

RA NSS Deputy Directors Appointed by Decrees of RA President
21 december 2019
RA NSS Deputy Directors Appointed by Decrees of RA President

By Decree NH-309-A of RA President Armen Sarkissian, Robert Bazikyan was appointed as Deputy Director of the National Security Service of RA. The Decree states: “Based on the proposal of the Prime Minister, according to 1st part of article 133...

Officer’s Day of Security Authorities of Armenia Celebrated
20 december 2019
Officer’s Day of Security Authorities of Armenia Celebrated

On 19 December ceremonial meeting took place in the National Security Service of RA on the occasion of security authorities officer’s day. Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan participated in the ceremonial meeting. Colonel Edu...

Case of fake phone call about placing bomb detected
19 december 2019
Case of fake phone call about placing bomb detected

National Security Service of RA as a result of undertaken operative-search measures detected a person, who on 17 December made a fake phone call  in the RA Police`s Central unit, about a bomb placed in the RA Police’s Arabkir unit. It was foun...

Case of Receiving in Especially Large Amount Bribe Detected
17 december 2019
Case of Receiving in Especially Large Amount Bribe Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, considering the combat against various manifestations of corruption as a priority, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions v...

Session of Council Adjunct to Director Held in the National Security Service of the RA
16 december 2019
Session of Council Adjunct to Director Held in the National Security Service of the RA

Session of Council Adjunct to Director was held in the National Security Service of the RA, conducted by the Interim Director of the RA NSS, colonel Eduard Martirosyan. Deputies of the director and heads of the departments of the RA NSS were present at t...

Another Case of Making and Realizing Counterfeit Medicines Detected
13 december 2019
Another Case of Making and Realizing Counterfeit Medicines Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, implementing one of the main directions of its activities aimed at combating crimes, as a result of operational and search measures conducted by the operational subdivisions of the NSS of RA, detec...

Director of Company Falsified Official Documents
12 december 2019
Director of Company Falsified Official Documents

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, pursuing consistent implementation of the functions vested upon it by the law and aimed at combating crime, as a result of the undertaken operational and search measures and investigative activitie...

Cases of Making and Using Forged Official Document Detected
12 december 2019
Cases of Making and Using Forged Official Document Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, considering the combat against various manifestations of corruption as a priority, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions v...

Case of Committing Apparent Corruption Crime Detected
11 december 2019
Case of Committing Apparent Corruption Crime Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia pursuing the rigorous implementation of functions, vested upon it by the law, aimed at countering corruption, as a result of the undertaken operational and search measures, detected a case of commit...

NSS of RA Urges to Henceforth Refrain from Unfounded Statements Discrediting Officer's Honor
10 december 2019
NSS of RA Urges to Henceforth Refrain from Unfounded Statements Discrediting Officer's Honor

Оn 7 December, 2019 human rights activist A.Sakunts, having posted a record on his Facebook page, overstepped all the bounds in a fit of groundless rage, on the one hand, using defamatory statements related to the National Security Service of RA and its o...

Another Case of Receiving in Especially Large Amount Bribe Detected
04 december 2019
Another Case of Receiving in Especially Large Amount Bribe Detected

Officers of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of large-scale operational and search measures undertaken within the framework of the implementation of functions to fight against corruption, on  December 4, 2019 the ...

04 december 2019

Brief Report on Applications, Complaints, Offers, Requests Received from Physical and Legal Entities by the National Security Service of RA in November 2019