Press releases

RA NSS Officers Detected Another Case of Receiving and Giving Bribe in Especially Large Amount
23 march 2020
RA NSS Officers Detected Another Case of Receiving and Giving Bribe in Especially Large Amount

National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions ves...

The RA National Security Service Urges
20 march 2020
The RA National Security Service Urges

The RA NSS within the framework of the implementation of the preventive measures aimed at solving various problems concerning the spread of coronavirus, in the manner prescribed by law also with daily regime monitors the disseminated news in the media sph...

Eduard Martirosyan Appointed Director of RA NSS by Decree of RA President
19 march 2020
Eduard Martirosyan Appointed Director of RA NSS by Decree of RA President

On March 19, by Decree NH-65-A of RA President Armen Sarkissian, Eduard Martirosyan was appointed Director of the National Security Service of RA. The Decree states: “Based on the proposal of the Prime Minister, according to 1st part of a...

Another official charged with abuse of authority
17 march 2020
Another official charged with abuse of authority

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, within the functions vested upon it by the law aimed at countering corruption, by combination of evidence that was obtained as a resu...

Eduard Martirosyan handed Order of Honor of Gohar Vardanyan to the niece of the legendary intelligence officer   
13 march 2020
Eduard Martirosyan handed Order of Honor of Gohar Vardanyan to the niece of the legendary intelligence officer  

On 12 March, Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA Colonel Eduard Martirosyan solemnly handed the Order of Honor of Gohar Vardanyan posthumously awarded by the decree of the RA President Armen Sarkissian to niece of the legendary in...

Cases of Preparation of Contract Killings of RA Citizens Detected
11 march 2020
Cases of Preparation of Contract Killings of RA Citizens Detected

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the functional principle of the protection of fundamental constitutional rights of citizens, especially the right to life, from different threats, carrying out consistent fight aimed at complete exclu...

Corruption-related criminal incident – commitment of thefts and frauds − detected
09 march 2020
Corruption-related criminal incident – commitment of thefts and frauds − detected

The National Security Service of RA, taking legal action − within the functions vested upon it by the law in the field of countering crime − related to the alerts regarding various manifestations of corruption received from different state bod...

06 march 2020

Brief Report on Applications, Complaints, Offers, Requests Received from Physical and Legal Entities by the National Security Service of RA in February  2020

85th anniversary of the first commander of Border guard troops was solemnly celebrated at Border guard troops of the NSS of the RA
04 march 2020
85th anniversary of the first commander of Border guard troops was solemnly celebrated at Border guard troops of the NSS of the RA

On March 4, retired Major General Grigory Garegin Grigoryan’s 85th anniversary was solemnly celebrated at Border guard troops. He is now the Chairman of Veterans, Pensioners' Union (NGO) of Border guard troops of the NSS of the RA. By the Decree of ...

Damage in Particularly Large Amount Has Been Caused to State by Official
03 march 2020
Damage in Particularly Large Amount Has Been Caused to State by Official

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, within the functions, vested upon it by the law, aimed at countering corruption, as a result of operational and search measures ...

Another Case of Organization of Illegal Migration Detected    
03 march 2020
Another Case of Organization of Illegal Migration Detected   

  The National Security Service of RA, considering organization of illegal migration as a type of transnational crime and conducting the consistent fight against this phenomenon on the basis of the norms of international law and national legislation...

Another Failed Attempt of Cheap Propaganda of Azerbaijan's Propaganda Machine Detected
29 february 2020
Another Failed Attempt of Cheap Propaganda of Azerbaijan's Propaganda Machine Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, pursuing the implementation of functions and powers vested upon it by the law in the field of information security, continues to detect fake users who publish and disseminate fake information harmi...

Case of Theft of Monetary Means in Especially Large Amounts by Official Detected
28 february 2020
Case of Theft of Monetary Means in Especially Large Amounts by Official Detected

The National Security Service of RA, carrying out a consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption, as well as being faithful to its adopted policy aimed at eliminating these manifestations, as a result of operational and...

E. Martirosyan Awarded to Citizen Who Detected Infiltree
27 february 2020
E. Martirosyan Awarded to Citizen Who Detected Infiltree

On February 27 Interim Director Eduard Martirosyan awarded to the resident of border community Bagaran of the RA Armavir Marz Habet Ghazaryan with precious gift - a watch for vigilance and correct orientation to detect an infiltree and to pass over him to...

NSS detected the ones who made a hoax call about planting a bomb
26 february 2020
NSS detected the ones who made a hoax call about planting a bomb

The National Security Service of RA, due to its functional mission, on 26 February 2020 immediately detected the ones who made a hoax call about planting a bomb at “Zvartnots” airport. Three minor pupils of one of the schools of Yerevan, not t...