Press releases

 The Director of the NSS of RA rewarded the veterans of the national security bodies who participated in the Great Patriotic War   
08 may 2020
 The Director of the NSS of RA rewarded the veterans of the national security bodies who participated in the Great Patriotic War  

Director of the National Security Service of RA Colonel Eduard Martirosyan hosted the veterans of the national security bodies who participated in the Great Patriotic War. The deputies of the Director of the RA NSS were also present at the reception. ...

04 may 2020

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, within the functions, vested upon it by the law, aimed at countering corruption and combating the legalization o...

Another apparent case of receiving bribe has been detected
30 april 2020
Another apparent case of receiving bribe has been detected

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, within the functions – vested upon it by the law − in the fight against corruption, as a result of undertaken operational...

Voluntary Surrender of Weapons and Ammunition
30 april 2020
Voluntary Surrender of Weapons and Ammunition

As a result of explanatory work conducted by the officers of the RA National Security Service, on 29 April 2020, A.H., a resident of Armavir region of RA, came to the Armavir regional department of the RA NSS, who voluntarily surrendered AK-74 rifle, 2 ch...

Case of receiving a bribe in especially large amount, USD 22.401.000, detected
28 april 2020
Case of receiving a bribe in especially large amount, USD 22.401.000, detected

The National Security service of RA, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, within the functions – vested upon it by the law − in the fight against corruption and legalization of incomes obtained b...

Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA celebrated the 28th anniversary of its formation
27 april 2020
Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA celebrated the 28th anniversary of its formation

Today, Border Guard Troops of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia celebrated the 28th anniversary of its formation. NSS Director, Colonel Eduard Martirosyan, Deputy Directors, Commander of Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA Colo...

Another Case of Receiving Bribe Detected
25 april 2020
Another Case of Receiving Bribe Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, carrying out a consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption and being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating these manifestations, as a result of operatio...

NSS Director’s Congratulatory Message on Police Officer’s Day
16 april 2020
NSS Director’s Congratulatory Message on Police Officer’s Day

On the occasion of Police Officer's Day, Director of the National Security Service of RA colonel Eduard Martirosyan addressed a congratulatory message to colonel Arman Sargsyan, Head of the RA Police. Martirosyan's congratulatory message stated: “W...

The “Victory Relay Race” in the Republic of Armenia
16 april 2020
The “Victory Relay Race” in the Republic of Armenia

On April 14, a solemn event of the “Victory Relay Race” along the borders of the CIS member states, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, took place near the cross-stone placed in the territory of Border ...

NSS Brought Charge Against Vicar of One of the Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church
15 april 2020
NSS Brought Charge Against Vicar of One of the Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, within the powers vested upon it by the law in the sphere of the fight against the legalization of proceeds from crime, by the combination of sufficient evidence obtained as a result of investigati...

The results of the first quarter of 2020 combat and operational service activities of Border Guard Troops of the RA NSS
14 april 2020
The results of the first quarter of 2020 combat and operational service activities of Border Guard Troops of the RA NSS

During the first quarter of 2020, 20 attempts of the state border violation were prevented by the RA NSS Border Guard Troops, and 13 cases of border regime violation with the participation of 29 people were detected.During the reporting period, 319 wanted...

10 april 2020

Brief Report on Applications, Complaints, Offers, Requests Received from Physical and Legal Entities by the National Security Service of RA in March 2020

Another Apparent Case of Receiving Bribe by Official of Medical and Social Expert Agency Detected
27 march 2020
Another Apparent Case of Receiving Bribe by Official of Medical and Social Expert Agency Detected

  The National Security Service of RA, carrying out a consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption, as well as being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating these manifestations, as a result of operational a...

24 march 2020

Taking into account the risk of spreading the new coronavirus infection in the Republic of Armenia and the necessity of restricting contacts within the framework of measures to prevent the spread of the infection, the Central and Territorial Departments o...

Case of abuse of official powers and stealing in especially large amounts, through embezzlement, detected
24 march 2020
Case of abuse of official powers and stealing in especially large amounts, through embezzlement, detected

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating various manifestations of corruption and repairing the damage caused to the state, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities underta...