29 november 2019

<< The SIS has managed not only be formed as a structure, but also has registered certain successes >> E. Martirosyan

<< The SIS has managed not only be formed as a structure, but also has registered certain successes >>  E. Martirosyan

Deputy Director of the NSS of RA Major-General Aram Hakobyan participated in the event on the occasion of 12th anniversary of the formation of the RA Special Investigation Service.

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and other high-ranking officials were present at the solemn ceremony.

Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA, Colonel Eduard Martirosyan sent his congratulatory message to the third class State Advisor of Justice, Head of the Special Investigation Service Sasun Khachatryan, on the occasion of 12th anniversary of the formation of the RA Special Investigation Service, in which it is stated:

Past twelve years have been foundation and establishment years for the Special Investigation Service of RA.

In this period the SIS has managed not only formed as a structure, but also has registered certain successes E. Martirosyan

<< We live in a dynamic world, implementing fundamental and revolutionary reforms in new Armenia. This reality is a new, complex but also honorable challenge for all state structure of our country, especially for law enforcement agencies. Modern globalizing and technological world, in turn sometime changes nature, type and methods of crime, complicating investigation and detection of crime. The new reality suggests that the state authorities of the RA have to be able to pass exam of this time. I am sure that Special Investigation Service of RA will pass the exam with honor. Let me assure you, that henceforth RA National Security Service is also ready to closest cooperation with Special Investigation Service for the benefit to increase level of legality in our country>> it is stated in congratulatory message of Eduard Martirosyan.

For conscientious fulfillment of official duties,  third class State Advisor of Justice, Head of the State Investigation Service of RA Sasun Khachatryan has been awarded with badge “For the investments in the ensuring of the security of RA” and three officers of the Investigation Service also have been awarded with jubilee medals “100th anniversary of the Security Bodies” and one certificate of honor by order of Eduard Martirosyan.