20 september 2019

Prime Minister of RA Nikol Pashinyan Introduced NSS Interim Director

Prime Minister of RA Nikol Pashinyan Introduced NSS Interim Director

Today the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan introduced to the senior staff of the National Security Service of RA the NSS Interim Director Eduard Martirosyan. “Mr. Martirosyan served in the NSS all the way through his professional career. If I am not mistaken, he hasn’t worked in any other place. This is very important”, said Nikol Pashinyan. In his speech, Prime Minister of RA noted that, according to his assessment, the NSS was an accomplished institution. “We have agreed that our ambitions will grow over time. Our primary task must be to constantly increase its professional level.”

In his speech, Eduard Martirosyan, having thanked the RA Prime Minister, noted that he was very much honored to lead a structure where he had been serving for more than 20 years. “I assure you that the NSS bodies possess high professionalism, experienced staff and persons devoted to their homeland. I can assure you that we will cope with all the tasks to ensure the stability of our country, the well-being of the people, the security of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh, as well as the unity of our nation.”