12 september 2019

Case of Smuggling and Illicit Trafficking of Drug from IRI, With Total Weight of 4,2 kg, Was Prevented in Territory of Republic of Artsakh

Case of Smuggling and Illicit Trafficking of Drug from IRI, With Total Weight of 4,2 kg, Was Prevented in Territory of Republic of Artsakh

As a result of operative measures organized by the Border Guard Troops of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, a case of smuggling and illicit trafficking of drug from the Islamic Republic of Iran, with a total weight of 4,2 kg, was prevented in the territory of the Republic of Artsakh, in the section of Armenian-Iranian border.

According to the obtained preliminary data, 2 citizens of the Republic of Armenia, without relevant permit, entered the Armenian-Iranian border section controlled by the Border Guard Troops of RA NSS in the territory of the Republic of Artsakh, by car, but escaped after noticing the border guards of BGT. As a result of conducted relevant measures, they were found and accompanied to the area of the nearest border post for clarifications.

As a result of the inspection of the mentioned car, 0.6 kg crystal-like substance, wrapped in plastic, was found and in the area near the car’s motion path 1.6kg of the same type of substance, wrapped in plastic, and 2kg of dark brown viscous substance were found. The aforementioned individuals informed that the crystal-like substance was “Methamphetamine”, and the brown one was “Opium” that were meant to be transported to Yerevan.

According to corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA, a criminal case has been initiated by the Border Guard Troops of RA NSS on the fact of the apparent crime, and the case has been referred to the law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Artsakh, in the manner prescribed by law, to conduct a preliminary investigation. The mentioned individuals have been charged; detention has been chosen as a measure of restraint.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.