03 september 2019

To the Attention of Mass Media

To the Attention of Mass Media

Dear representatives of Mass Media,

On 3-16 September 2019, the Press Center of the NSS of RA conducts a short-term accreditation of journalists covering the “Ararat-Antiterror 2019” joint anti-terrorism exercise of the competent authorities of the CIS Member-States, to be carried out in Armenia on 25-26 September 2019.

To be accredited, it is necessary to submit a written application by the editor-in-chief or head of the information department, which should include:

  • full name of the mass media, location, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers; 
  • surname, name, patronymic name, as indicated in the passport, of the journalist, photographer or cameraman to be accredited, their e-mail addresses, telephone numbers; 
  • one electronic photo (size 3.5x4.5 and 300 dpi resolution) of the journalist and photographer or cameraman, which is to be sent to the press@sns.am e-mail address. 

Not more than one journalist and one photographer or cameraman presenting each mass media are subject to accreditation. The applications submitted after the indicated deadline or incomplete applications shall not be processed.

The deadline for submitting the applications is 16.09.2019.

Press Center of NSS of RA