21 june 2019

Citizen of the Republic of Armenia, internationally wanted since 2001, found by RA NSS officers

Citizen of the Republic of Armenia, internationally wanted since 2001, found by RA NSS officers

As a result of realization of the operational data received by the National Security Service of RA, 56-year-old citizen of the Republic of Armenia, who has been internationally wanted since 2001, was found.

From December of 2000 to October of 2001, stable armed group of 9 persons, a gang, was acting in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, which periodically attacked currency exchange points, petrol stations and stores, threatening to kill, as well as committing murders, embezzled different amounts of money and escaped. As result of the measures undertaken by the law enforcement bodies, the band was neutralized and according to the court decision made in connection with the same criminal case 5 individuals were sentenced to imprisonment, 4 individuals escaped, one of them was found in 2009, and the part of the case related to the other three was suspended, and they were declared internationally wanted.

Several days ago, the RA NSS officers received operational data that 1 of the 3 aforesaid persons, i.e. T.Kh., who has been previously convicted for several times, using the biographical data of another person with mental disorder, falsified his passport photo, and afterwards based on the forged document received Ukrainian passport, with which made a free entry to and out of the territory of Republic of Armenia.

On June 21 2019, as a result of large-scale operative-search measures initiated by the RA NSS officers, the member of the said gang, who’s wanted internationally, was detected and taken to the administrative building of the NSS.


Note: A person suspected in or charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.