29 august 2018

Armenian-Russian Border Cooperation

Armenian-Russian Border Cooperation

From 20 to 28 August, the Armenian-Russian joint working group headed by Commander of Border Guard Troops of RA NSS Colonel V. Sargsyan and by the Chief of Border Guard Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Armenia Major-General R. Golubitski conducted planned visits to the border subdivisions protecting the Armenian-Iranian and Armenian-Turkish parts of the State border of RA.
During the visit, actions of border guard subdivisions of Border Guard Troops of NSS of RA and Border Guard Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in RA aimed at safeguarding the butting direction were organized, issues on the activities to strengthen and develop the Armenian-Russian border cooperation, to increase the reliability of the protection of the RA State border were discussed.