Press releases

Dozens  of cases of theft of other person’s property committed by prisoner were detected
23 april 2019
Dozens of cases of theft of other person’s property committed by prisoner were detected

As a result of large-scale operative-search measures and integrated investigation activities conducted within the framework of the implementation of its functions to fight against crime, the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia detected do...

Report about the criminal case initiated against officers of State Control Service of RA
18 april 2019
Report about the criminal case initiated against officers of State Control Service of RA

Taking into account the public interest in criminal case in connection with the alleged abuses committed by the officers of the State Control Service, the National Security Service of RA informs that on 18 April 2019 Davit Sanasaryan was charged under Art...

Director of the NSS of RA A.Vanetsyan Hosted the Delegation of the Antiterrorist Center of the CIS Member-States
09 april 2019
Director of the NSS of RA A.Vanetsyan Hosted the Delegation of the Antiterrorist Center of the CIS Member-States

 On April 9, 2019, Director of the National Security Service of RA Colonel A.G.Vanetsyan hosted the delegation of the Antiterrorist Center of the CIS Member-States headed by Deputy Head of the Center Major-General S.G. Dudko; the delegation arrived f...

Agreement on Collaboration between National Security Services of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh
08 april 2019
Agreement on Collaboration between National Security Services of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh

On 6-7 April the delegation of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia headed by Director Artur Vanetsyan paid a two-day visit to the Republic of Artsakh. Within the framework of the visit, Director of the NSS met with President of the Re...

Results of combat and operational service activities of Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA
05 april 2019
Results of combat and operational service activities of Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA

During the first quarter of the year (2019) subdivisions of Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA prevented 20 cases of violation of the RA state border regime and 15 cases of violation of border regime with the participation of 66 people, 36 of them w...

01 april 2019

As a result of the functions conducted by the National Security Service of Republic of Armenia addressed to fight against crime and corruption, vested upon it by the law, data was received on giving particularly large amount of bribe to an official of the...

We Demand the Refutation of another Misinformation on Director of the NSS of RA in «Jamanak» Newspaper
30 march 2019
We Demand the Refutation of another Misinformation on Director of the NSS of RA in «Jamanak» Newspaper

To the chief editor of «Jamanak» newspaper and websiteAstghik Sapeyan Dear Mrs. Sapeyan,Today, on March 30, another misinformation on Artur Vanetsyan, Director of the NSS of RA, was published in «Jamanak» newspaper and 1in....

Judge was arrested at the moment of taking particularly large amount of bribe
28 march 2019
Judge was arrested at the moment of taking particularly large amount of bribe

As a result of measures taken by the respective units of the National Security Service of RA data was received indicating the judge requested particularly large amount of bribe to take some actions, within the scope of his powers, in favor of a person.As ...

28 march 2019

To the chief editor of «Jamanak» newspaper and websiteMrs. Astghik Sapeyan   Dear Mrs. Sapeyan, «News» entitled «will get share» has been published in your newspaper and website, which is misinformation a...

NSS Director Hosted Newly Appointed Ambassador of USA
27 march 2019
NSS Director Hosted Newly Appointed Ambassador of USA

On 27 March, Director of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Artur Vanetsyan hosted the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Armenia Mrs. Lynne Tracy. Having welcomed the...

NSS Employees Took Part in State-wide Clean-up Activities
23 march 2019
NSS Employees Took Part in State-wide Clean-up Activities

On March 23 the employees of all departments, including the territorial bodies of the RA National Security Service actively took part in the state-wide clean-up activities. At the order of Director of the NSS Artur Vanetsyan area improvement, cleaning and...

The National Security Service is not Registered in any Social web Network
01 march 2019
The National Security Service is not Registered in any Social web Network

There is a webpage “National Security of RA” functioning in “Facebook” social network domain, which is an initiative of an unknown citizen and has nothing to do with National Security Service of Republic of Armenia. While until rec...

RA SCS Two Officials and Representative of Company Associated with Them Detained
28 february 2019
RA SCS Two Officials and Representative of Company Associated with Them Detained

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, within the framework of the functions vested upon it by the law, carrying out a consistent and unyielding fight against different manifestations of crime and corruption directed against the economi...

Illegal Crossing of RA State Border Aided and Abetted by Official Detected
21 february 2019
Illegal Crossing of RA State Border Aided and Abetted by Official Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of measures taken within the framework of implementation of its functions to ensure the protection and inviolability of the State border, detected another case of illegal crossing of th...

Criminal case on Sedrak Kocharyan
19 february 2019
Criminal case on Sedrak Kocharyan

  National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia in exercising its functions based on the rules of international law and domestic legislation, pursuing consistent fight against economic security, as a result of large-scale investigative actions...