Press releases

Cases of Drug Trafficking in Especially Large Amounts Detected
12 july 2019
Cases of Drug Trafficking in Especially Large Amounts Detected

Officers of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of integrated operative and search measures and investigation activities undertaken within the framework of the implementation of functions aimed at the fight against illici...

Officers of RA NSS Detained an Official of RA Cassation Court
10 july 2019
Officers of RA NSS Detained an Official of RA Cassation Court

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of large-scale operative and search measures undertaken within the framework of the implementation of its functions aimed at the fight against corruption, has detected and prevented an ...

BRIEF REPORT (Semi-Annual)
09 july 2019
BRIEF REPORT (Semi-Annual)

                  According to the instruction of Director of NSS of RA, in order to ensure the transparency of the activities of the NSS, brief reports on applications, complaints, offers, requests re...

Case of demanding and receiving bribe by officer of RA SRC detected
09 july 2019
Case of demanding and receiving bribe by officer of RA SRC detected

As a result of operative-search measures undertaken by the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia  within the framework of the implementation of its functions aimed at the fight against corruption, a case of demanding and receiving a br...

Military Rank of Major General Conferred to Director of NSS of RA A. Vanetsyan
05 july 2019
Military Rank of Major General Conferred to Director of NSS of RA A. Vanetsyan

Today the Republic of Armenia is celebrating the Constitution Day. On the occasion of the holiday, by the decrees of President of the Republic Armen Sarkissian,military high ranks were conferred to a number of high-ranking officials of force structures. A...

The State Protection Service of the NSS of RA celebrated the 27th anniversary of its formation
01 july 2019
The State Protection Service of the NSS of RA celebrated the 27th anniversary of its formation

Today the State Protection Service of the NSS of RA celebrated the 27th anniversary of its formation. The NSS Director Artur Vanetsyan, the head of the NSS State Protection Service Grigori Hayrapetov, heads and officers of various divisions took part in t...

01 july 2019

    Brief Report on Applications, Complaints, Offers, Requests Received from Physical and Legal Entities by the National Security Service of RA in June 2019  

Session of Council Adjunct to Director  Conducted in National Security Service of RA
01 july 2019
Session of Council Adjunct to Director Conducted in National Security Service of RA

In the National Security Service of RA, a session of the council adjunct to Director was held; the session was conducted by Director of NSS of RA Artur Vanetsyan. Deputies to Director, heads of the central authority and regional divisions of NSS were pres...

A case of extortion of large amount committed by a group of persons was detected
28 june 2019
A case of extortion of large amount committed by a group of persons was detected

As a result of large-scale operative-search measures undertaken by the officers of the National Security Service of RA a case of extortion of large amount committed by a group of persons was detected.According to obtained preliminary data, 2 citizens of t...

An official of the RA State Social Security Service was detained
26 june 2019
An official of the RA State Social Security Service was detained

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, within the framework of the implementation of its functions to fight corruption, conducted integrated operative-search measures and investigation activities as a result of which revealed cases wher...

Discussion in RA Academy of Justice, upon Initiative of NSS of RA
25 june 2019
Discussion in RA Academy of Justice, upon Initiative of NSS of RA

Upon the initiative of the RA National Security Service, on 25 June a working discussion was held in the RA Academy of Justice, entitled “Criminal Characteristics of Unlawful Enrichment and Peculiarities of Qualification”. Judges of RA courts...

Citizen of the Republic of Armenia, internationally wanted since 2001, found by RA NSS officers
21 june 2019
Citizen of the Republic of Armenia, internationally wanted since 2001, found by RA NSS officers

As a result of realization of the operational data received by the National Security Service of RA, 56-year-old citizen of the Republic of Armenia, who has been internationally wanted since 2001, was found. From December of 2000 to October of 2001, stabl...

Case of Embezzlement of Another Person’s Property by a Group of Persons under Pretext of Receiving Bribe Detected
21 june 2019
Case of Embezzlement of Another Person’s Property by a Group of Persons under Pretext of Receiving Bribe Detected

As a result of large-scale operative-search activities undertaken by officers of the National Security Service of RA within the framework of implementing the functions to combat crime, a case of embezzlement of another person’s property by a group o...

Case of Apparent Abuse of Authority and Official Fraud Was Detected
18 june 2019
Case of Apparent Abuse of Authority and Official Fraud Was Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, within the implementation of its functions to counteract corruption crimes, detected a case of apparent abuse of authority and commitment of official fraud. According to preliminary data, obtained ...

The Canvases of Special Value were Revealed and Confiscated
17 june 2019
The Canvases of Special Value were Revealed and Confiscated

As a result of extensive integrated operative-search measures and investigative activities initiated by the National Security Service of Republic of Armenia and the RA Investigative Committee, a case of the theft of paintings from the RA National Gallery ...