01 august 2022



Taking into account the interest of the general public in the initiated criminal proceedings in the Investigation Department of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia on the facts of high treason and espionage, it is reported that in July 2022, final procedural acts were drawn up in four proceedings and criminal proceedings against four of those under custody of persons with indictments were submitted to the court.

According to the criminal proceedings initiated and submitted to the court, it was established that as a result of anti-state activities carried out by citizens of the Republic of Armenia, involved in agent networks, foreign special services were given the opportunity to accurately inquire about the Armenian troops, army formations, types and quantity of military equipment and, their probable strategy - about attack, defense, oncoming combat, tactical rebuilding, etc., up to obtaining the exact geographical coordinates of the Armenian forces indicated on the map.

Foreign intelligence in the espionage network involved mainly former or active military personnel who, by the nature of their service, had the opportunity to visit the military units of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh, climb to combat positions, get acquainted with various documents and information related to the military sphere, secretly filmed, recorded the types and quantities of military equipment, the movement of military formations, photographed maps of military significance, acquired other information, which they transferred to the representatives of foreign intelligence, having received their remuneration for this.

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia informs that during 2022 alone, on criminal proceedings initiated on the facts of committing high treason, a total of 5 criminal proceedings with an indictment against 12 persons were submitted to the court by the investigators of the Investigation Department of the RA NSS.

The preliminary investigation of other initiated proceedings continues and taking into account the interest of the general public regarding to them, the RA National Security Service will periodically provide information on their progress and results.