15 march 2022

Criminal Group Engaged in Organization of Illegal Migration Detected

Criminal Group Engaged in Organization of Illegal Migration Detected

As a result of operative-search measures and investigative actions taken by officers of the Department of Economic Security and Countering Corruption and Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service, factual data were obtained that, residents of Yerevan city K.Ye. and A.A., during 2021-2022 by prior agreement with each other for mercenary purposes, organized the illegal migration of more than two dozen citizens of the Republic of Armenia to foreign countries, providing fake documents and information in order for the latter to obtain proper permission to enter foreign states.

During the preliminary investigation searches were carried out at the addresses of the members of the criminal group involved in the organization of illegal migration, as a result of which devices and equipment intended for the production of forged documents, fake seals, stamps, passports of a number of citizens, money paid for organizing illegal migration, and other things and objects intended for the commission of a crime were found.

Based on direct suspicion of committing a crime two persons were detained, petitions were submitted to the court to choose arrest as a measure of restraint against them.

The RA National Security Service informs that the RA Criminal Code provides for imprisonment for up to eight years for organizing illegal migration, and warns that the Service is consistent in preventing such crimes and fully disclosing them.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.