17 february 2022

Preliminary Investigation in Criminal Case Initiated in Connection with Incidents of High Treason and Espionage Continues

Preliminary Investigation in Criminal Case Initiated in Connection with Incidents of High Treason and Espionage Continues

In the Investigation Department of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia the preliminary investigation initiated in connection with incidents of high treason and espionage.

Taking into account the interest of the general public in this criminal case, the National Security Service informs that as a result of the criminal procedural and operative-search measures taken within the framework of the proceedings, data were obtained that the citizens of the Republic of Armenia involved in the agent network having taken part in the forty-four-day war, on the instructions of foreign intelligence, transmitted various information related to the military sphere to them from the battlefield.

As a result of the anti-state activities carried out by the latter at the height of the war, the opponent was given the opportunity to accurately inquire about the Armenian troops, military formations, types of military equipment, quantity, their possible tactics - attack, defense, oncoming battle, tactical restructuring, etc., up to obtaining accurate geographical coordinates of the Armenian forces indicated on the map.

As a result of anti-state activities that undermine the foundations of the state, threaten territorial integrity, endanger the lives of those who fought selflessly on the battlefield, the opponent, using unmanned aerial vehicles and various types of artillery guns, carried out local pinpoint strikes, incapacitating the Armenian military formations and hindering the further implementation of tasks assigned to them.

At the same time, it is noteworthy that foreign intelligence involved in the spy network mainly former or active military personnel who, due to their service, had the opportunity to visit the military units of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh, climb to combat positions, get acquainted with various documents and information on the military sphere.

Using the mentioned opportunities, as well as the authority in the circle of fellow servicemen, the persons who carried out treacherous activities penetrated military units and combat positions, secretly filmed, recorded the types and quantities of military equipment, the movement of military units, photographed maps of military significance, acquired other information and transferred them to representatives of foreign intelligence having received their remuneration for this.

With a sufficient body of evidence obtained during the preliminary investigation of the criminal case, a total of 20 persons were charged with committing high treason and assisting in this, arrest was applied as a measure of restraint against 14 of them.

The preliminary investigation continues, complex operative-search measures and investigative actions are being taken in the direction of establishing the full circle of the persons involved in the spy network, initiating criminal prosecutions against them, as well as neutralizing the activity of the foreign intelligence in the Armed Forces.   

It should be noted, that in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service numerous cases have also been detected in other cases initiated and investigated on the grounds of high treason when persons who had participated in the hostilities were recruited during the war and transmitted data and documents of strategic importance to the representatives of foreign special services, thereby weakening the security of their own country and assisting the enemy in solving the numerous combat tasks assigned to them and obtaining a significant advantage on the battlefield.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.