01 december 2021

Preliminary Investigation in Criminal Case Initiated on Fact of High Treason Completed

Preliminary Investigation in Criminal Case Initiated on Fact of High Treason Completed

In addition to the report of 7 June, 2021, distributed by the RA NSS, according to which a case of high treason committed by an organized group was detected, the NSS informs about the completion of the preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on this fact.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that two citizens of RA, not having a permanent job and a source of income, in order to look for a job, together left for the city of Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey, where they found themselves in the field of view of the special services of Azerbaijan and, in exchange for receiving material benefits from them, accepted the offer to be recruited and act to the detriment of the territorial inviolability and external security of the Republic of Armenia.

The latter, for a reward, went over to the side of the enemy, through espionage and assistance by other methods for the purpose of transferring, collected, stored and transferred to still unidentified representatives of a foreign state information containing state and official secrets, thereby providing the enemy with a real opportunity to make accurate calculations of forces and means, to determine the number, location, distribution of forces and means involved in performing tasks on their part in different areas, in accordance with this make tactical changes, as well as predetermine the possible scale and likely nature of the actions of various military units of the RA AF, create favorable conditions during the conduct of hostilities for targeted and effective engagement and, as a result, hinder the proper fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the units of the DA of Artsakh and the AF of RA, favorable conditions were created for a breakthrough and further advancement of enemy troops in that direction, thus, in damage to the territorial inviolability and external security of the Republic of Armenia committed high treason.

Based on the evidence obtained in the criminal case, the persons who committed high treason were involved as accused, and on 26 November, 2021, the criminal case against them with the indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of the preliminary investigation for its approval and submission to the Court.

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia will continue to carry out consistent fight in the direction of disclosing, preventing and disrupting the intelligence activities of special services and other organizations of foreign states, as well as the intelligence activities of individuals, and warns that it will take effective measures in the direction of protecting the security of individuals, society and the state, the constitutional order, rights and freedoms of citizens from internal and external threats.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.