28 october 2021

National Security Bodies Detected Corruption Schemes in Local Self-Government Body

National Security Bodies Detected Corruption Schemes in Local Self-Government Body

According to the factual data obtained during the preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated in the Investigation Department  of the RA National Security Service, based on the results of operative-search measures taken by the officers of Shirak Regional Department of the RA NSS, it was established that the deputy head of the Gyumri Municipality, by prior agreement with the head of the Department of Urban Development and Architecture, for carrying out actions in favor of a resident of the Gyumri community within the framework of their powers, namely, for organizing the process of transferring one of the real estate properties belonging to the municipality as a donation to him, demanded from the latter bribe in especially large amount– 2,000 USD, equivalent to 957,560 AMD, of which 1000 USD they received on 12 October, 2021, having entered into a prior agreement to receive the rest of the amount after the end of the donation process.

On 26 October, 2021, immediately after receiving the rest of the amount from the official - 900 USD, the persons, both the bribe giver and the bribe taker, were caught by the officers of the National Security Service and brought to the Shirak Regional Department of the RA NSS.

According to the results of the preliminary investigation of the criminal case, it was established that the relevant officials of the Department of Real Estate Management of Gyumri municipality, in favor of a number of residents of the Gyumri community, for knowingly illegal inaction, namely, for not registering the facts of illegal construction, for not initiating relevant administrative proceedings, received from the citizens bribes in various amounts, diving them among group members.

As a result of the tactically coordinated work of the members of the investigation team, at the initial stage of the investigation, large-scale procedural actions were carried out, including about a dozen searches; during a personal search of an official, the amount that was the subject of a bribe was found and seized; based on direct suspicion of committing a crime, the head of the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Gyumri Municipality, the deputy head of the Department of Real Estate Management and briber were detained.

The National Security Bodies continue to consistently take criminal-procedural and operative-search measures in the direction of detecting all episodes of the corruption picture of the crime, identifying the circle of persons involved in them, as well as neutralizing the risks of possible corruption manifestations with the involvement of municipal officials.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.