22 october 2021

In Field of Lithosphere Use, Various Kinds of Abuses that Caused Damage to State on Especially Large Scale Detected and Prevented by National Security Bodies

In Field of Lithosphere Use, Various Kinds of Abuses that Caused Damage to State on Especially Large Scale Detected and Prevented by National Security Bodies

As a result of operative-search measures carried out by officers of the Kotayk Regional Department of the RA NSS, factual data were obtained that the director of the company engaged in entrepreneurial activities, violating the requirements of a number of legal acts on land use and lithosphere use, mining of mineral resources, during 2012-2019 in the territory of the Zoravan community of Kotayk province, without an appropriate license for lithosphere use and other documents, carried out illegal mining of soil and lithosphere, as a result of which about 250.000 m3 of basalt ore was illegally mined. As a result of illegal entrepreneurship, various taxes and other obligatory payments in especially large amounts - 816.500.000 AMD were not paid to the state.

According to the prepared materials, a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service on the relevant articles of the RA Criminal Code.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.