12 october 2021

A Number of Cases of Abuse Committed by Employees of Various Medical Institutions in Process of Vaccination against Covid-19 Detected and Prevented

A Number of Cases of Abuse Committed by Employees of Various Medical Institutions in Process of Vaccination against Covid-19 Detected and Prevented

As a result of consistent and purposeful operative-search work carried out by officers of the Department of Countering Corruption and Economic Security of the RA National Security Service factual data were obtained that officials of a number of medical institutions in Yerevan, being authorized in the field of medical activity, to organize the process of vaccination against “Covid-19” pandemic, deliberately made false entries in the outpatient medical records that served as the basis for vaccination about a number of people allegedly undergoing medical examination and vaccination who were currently absent from the Republic of Armenia and did not use the various types of vaccines against “Covid-19” provided at their disposal for their intended purpose, and they did not carry out vaccination with them, and the mentioned persons entered deliberately false information into the electronic system "ARMED", on the basis of which a certificate of vaccination was automatically issued in the mentioned system with personal data and photographs of each person.

Based on the facts of the mentioned cases, six criminal cases were initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA NSS on abuses that took place in six medical institutions, within the framework of which three medical workers were detained, one of them was charged on the grounds of the relevant articles of the RA Criminal Code and arrest was applied as a measure of restraint.

The necessary procedural actions are being taken in the direction of identifying all the circumstances of the case, as well as establishing the full scope of the persons involved in the criminal scheme for the vaccination against the coronavirus pandemic and giving an adequate criminal legal assessment to their actions. In parallel with the investigation, appropriate operative-search measures are also being carried out in the direction of identifying possible manifestations of similar abuses and preventing their further course.

The National Security Service urges the public to refrain from illegally acquiring fake “Covid-19” vaccination certificates and using them, reminding that similar actions are subject to criminal prosecution and cause criminal liability.

The National Security Service informs that as a result of similar abuses a real threat is created for the further spread of the pandemic, the implementation of appropriate preventive and anti-epidemiological measures in order to protect public health, and the effectiveness of measures taken by the state in the field of healthcare becomes useless.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.