09 august 2021

Cases of Receiving Bribe and Committing Other Official Crimes by Former Head of Artashavan Community of Aragatsotn Province Detected

Cases of Receiving Bribe and Committing Other Official Crimes by Former Head of Artashavan Community of Aragatsotn Province Detected

As a result of the operative-search measures carried out by the employees of the Aragatsotn provincial department of the RA National Security Service, it was established that from 1999 to July 2021, the person holding the position of the head of Artashavan community of Aragatsotn province, for committing, within the framework of his powers, in favor of the owners of one of the LLCs registered in the RA and their representatives a deliberately illegal action, namely, to represent a part of the arable land belonging to the community as pastures, their sale to the specified company through a formal auction organized by him, taking sole decisions, in March-July 2017 organized formal auctions on fake documents, as a result of which part of the arable land owned by the Artashavan community with a total area of ​​about 67 hectares was alienated as pastures, for which he received a bribe on an especially large scale - about 67.000.000 AMD.

In addition, the same official, using his official position against the interests of the service, on 17 April, 2020, at a formal auction-sale using false documents, disposed a land plot with an area of 0.1533 hectares to his relative, provided to one of the residents of the community, and as a result of deliberate actions, the community resident lost the opportunity to own and use the property transferred to him.

A criminal case has been initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service on the facts of receiving, giving bribes on an especially large scale, abuse of official powers and commission of forgery.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.