23 july 2021



On 23 July, 2021, the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor office dissemanited a report under the heading “the actions of the RA Police and the RA NSS on "carrying out enhanced regime of service” do not correspond to the goal of ensuring public order and security in a democratic state and are disproportionate ”, and noted that “on the evening of 21 July, 2021, the RA Police with the participation of the National Security Service officers carried out the so-called “enhanced regime of service”, searching vehicles running both in Yerevan and from Yerevan to regions and in the opposite direction”.

The RA National Security Service informs that the employees of the structure did not take any part in of the aforementioned event and demands henceforth to  refrain from publishing and disseminating unverified information.

We urge the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor office to refute as soon as possible false information about the partitcipation of the RA National Security Service in the mentioned event.