07 june 2021



Taking into account the importance  and nationwide significance of the early parliamentary elections, which will be held on 20 June, 2021, the RA National Security Service informs that it will take effective measures with the use of all permissible toolkit vested upon it by the law to prevent , identify possible violations at the elections, organize criminal legal fight against crimes against constitutional human and civil rights and freedoms, with the aim of ensuring legality during elections and reminds that, according to the RA Constitution, power in the Republic of Armenia belongs to the people. The people exercise their power through free elections, referendums, as well as through state bodies, local self-government bodies and officials provided for by the Constitution.

At the same time, the RA National Security Service reminds that the RA Criminal Code provides for strict measures of responsibility for hindering the exercise of the right to vote, the work of election commissions or the exercise of the powers of persons participating in elections, for reporting false data, presenting a forged document or voting in any other way more than once or instead of of another person, forcing a voter to report the voting result in order to violate the secrecy of voting, checking a voted ballot paper, entering the voting booth to find out the voting result, bribing voters, accepting a bribe, violating the prohibition on charity during elections or obstruction of the free expression of the will of the voter, mediation in pre-election bribery.

The National Security Service urges all participants in the election process to show responsible behavior, refrain from illegal actions that disrupt the normal course of the elections and assures that the Service has full control of the operative situation and will take appropriate actions arising from the situation in the direction of disclosing, disrupting and neutralizing the described criminal acts.

In connection with the above, the RA National Security Service expects cooperation of citizens interested in holding responsible, bona fide, free and transparent elections with law enforcement bodies in the fight against electoral violations, including by immediately reporting to law enforcement bodies the information received about criminal violations during the elections.