31 may 2021

Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Case on Facts of Receiving Bribe by Official of Penitentiary Institution “Armavir”, As Well As Abuse of Official Powers Over

Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Case on Facts of Receiving Bribe by Official of Penitentiary Institution “Armavir”, As Well As Abuse of Official Powers Over

As a result of comprehensive and effective investigation carried out in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service, factual data were obtained that the convict of “Armavir” penitentiary institution A.N., in March 2021 asked an official, a leading specialist of the security department, Major of Justice A.H. to receive from his son and hand over to him cell phones, accessories intended for the latter and a card for a public telephone set prohibited by the internal regulations in places of detention and correctional institutions, promising to give him a bribe for the commission of a deliberately illegal mentioned action, which was accepted by the official.

Then, A.N., being obliged to bring up his minor child V.N., bearing responsibility for his upbringing and development, using the authority of a parent that he had with a minor son, called him from the penitentiary institution, instructing him to meet with A.H. and give him the indicated prohibited items and the amount of the bribe, thus involving his minor son in the commission of a crime - in mediation in bribery.

As a result, through the mediation of his minor son, on 17 and 18 March, 2021, A.N. gave A.H. the amount of the bribe for which the latter received from V.N. and handed over to the convict A.N. a number of prohibited items, some of which were found in the possession of A.H. as a result of joint activities carried out by the employees of the RA NSS and the Penitentiary Service of the RA MOJ.

In addition, A.H., abusing his official powers, using his official position against the interests of the service, with the motive of maintaining and strengthening the existing relations with the convict A.N., committed a deliberately illegal act and on 15 March, 2021 brought him to the “Armavir” penitentiary institution and handed over to the latter prohibited items - two cell phones, a mobile Wi-Fi modem router and a phone charger, thus causing significant damage to the authority and legitimate interests of the Service.

On 26 May, 2021, the criminal case against the 3 mentioned persons with conclusions to indict were sent to the prosecutor in charge of the procedural management of the preliminary investigation, with the aim of confirming and sending it to court.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.