10 may 2021

Case of Extortion of Large Amount Detected

Case of Extortion of Large Amount Detected

Employees of the Yerevan City Department of the National Security Service of RA, consistently continuing to carry out their functions in the fight against crime, as a result of operative-search measures detected another case of grave crime.

It was established that the nature of the relationship formed over years between the inhabitant of Kotayk village of Kotayk province H. Q. and a resident of Yerevan A. M. allowed the latter to constantly emphasize his personal superiority over H. Q., because of which H.Q. avoided contact with him.

Realizing the circumstance of his superiority over H. Q. and taking advantage of his vulnerable position, A.M. under the threat of exerting violence against H.Q. and members of his family, destruction of their property, during a regular meeting on 3 May, 2021, by extortion demanded from H.Q. a large sum of EUR 1.000 equivalent to AMD 627.410, as a result of which the latter was forced to give his consent.

Previously convicted of robbery A.M., carrying out his criminal intent, on 6 May, 2021 in the town of Abovyan received from H.Q. by extortion the required amount of EUR 1.000 and tried to escape from the scene, however, was caught on the spot and brought in by the officers of the National Security Service of RA. Through a personal search, the entire extorted money was found.

Within the criminal case initiated on the same day in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA on the fact of committing extortion on a large scale, A.M. was detained.

As a result of sufficient factual data obtained during the preliminary investigation, A.M. was involved as an accused and arrest was applied as a measure of restraint against him.

Appropriate investigative and other procedural actions are being taken by applying the permissible criminal procedural toolkit in the direction of detecting all the circumstances of the case, as well as other possible victims.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.