12 april 2021

As a Result of Explanatory Work Carried Out by RA National Security Service, Large Amount of Weapons and Ammunition Found and Voluntarily Surrendered

As a Result of Explanatory Work Carried Out by RA National Security Service, Large Amount of Weapons and Ammunition Found and Voluntarily Surrendered

As a result of explanatory work carried out by the officers of the Military Counterintelligence Department of the RA National Security Service, 6 servicemen of military unit N of the RA Ministry of Defense voluntarily surrendered to the RA National Security Service found by them during the war unleashed on 27 September, 2020 in the territory of the Republic of Artsakh and transported to the Republic of Armenia 3 firearms of "AK -74" type of 5.45 mm caliber, 1 "SVD" sniper rifle of 7.62 mm caliber with a telescopic sight, as well as 1925 live ammunition of 5.45 mm caliber intended for "AK -74" assault rifles, RPK light machine guns and their modifications, 1 fragmentation grenade of 40 mm caliber intended for firing from grenade launchers, 3 bayonet-knives for Kalashnikov firearm that are combat bladed cold weapons, as well as other ammunition.

The RA National Security Service continues to take active operative-search measures in the direction of finding other possible weapons and ammunition illegally transported from the battlefield to the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia urges the participants in the battles to voluntarily surrender to law enforcement bodies the weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices that they have illegally transported to the territory of the Republic of Armenia and stored during the military operations or after the establishment of the ceasefire: such actions will serve as the basis for the release of the person from criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.