10 january 2021



The RA National Security Service officially clarifies that the rumors about the upcoming tomorrow meeting of the directors of the NSS of the Republic of Armenia and the SSS of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Tavush province of the RA don’t correspond to reality.

A meeting in a similar format took place a few days ago in the neutral zone adjacent to the Yeraskh community of the RA Ararat province, as well as today on the territory of Vorotan and Shurnukh settlements of the Goris community of the Syunik province of the RA, during which the issues related to the work on the exchange of prisoners and search for the missing were again discussed.

We should add that from the side of “Mediaport” and a number of other information platforms publications have been spreading in recent days containing false news and apparent disinformation that territorial and border issues have been included or will be included in the agenda of similar meetings of the Director of the RA National Security Service, deliberately misleading the public.

Taking into account the presence of the mentioned unfounded and irresponsible publications and the fact that such functions are not vested upon the RA National Security Bodies, we once again officially inform that within the framework of the last meeting of the Director of the RA NSS, exclusively the aforementioned issues on the agenda have been discussed and at subsequent meetings, if necessary, will be discussed.

Moreover, taking into account the priority interests of the nation and the state, the Director of the RA National Security Service exercises exclusively the powers vested upon him by the legislation, he has never been performed and will not perform any function outside the scope of these powers.

At the same time, we once again urge not to give vent to such false news creating the impression of a provocation against the Homeland and statehood, and call on the authors of the latter to refrain from their antinational modus operandi, which, if continued, will have appropriate legal consequences.