29 december 2020



In the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service the preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated in connection with the incident by the organization of L.S., known to the public under the nickname “Alrakhatsi Lyovik”, a robbery on the mansion belonging to the former Chairman of the State Customs Committee under the RA Government A.A., located at 34 "b" Isahakyan str., Yerevan, committed on 27 October, 2008 by an organized group consisting of a criminal community created by the citizens of the RA A.K. and A.N. with the aim of stealing property on an especially large scale, has been completed.

Based on the factual circumstances obtained during the preliminary investigation of the criminal case, it was substantiated that a citizen of the RA A.K., being in the United States of America, in early May, 2004 with a group of persons, in Los Angeles (California, USA) on May 12 and 25, 2004, as well as on June 9 and 13 respectively, from commercial enterprises belonging to the “Aviani”, “Mika” and “Shredji” jewelry companies and a pawnshop secretly committed theft of valuables in a total of 150.000 USD, and during the last case, after the police  apprehended accomplices during the escape, he hid from the law enforcement bodies and leaving the territory of the USA, settled in the Republic of Armenia.

Being put on the wanted list by the US authorities, A.K. did not abandon his criminal lifestyle and, having entered into an agreement with the RA Police officer A.N., together with the latter, in November 2007 created a criminal community - an organized group - with the aim of committing serious and especially serious crimes.

Being familiar with A.N. through A.K. and knowing about the robbery committed on 29 November, 2007 by the members of the mentioned criminal community on the trade pavilion N5, which was leased to the RA citizen V.V., located on the first floor of the gold jewelry fair, owned by “Vagharsh and Sons” LLC, L.S., nicknamed “Alrakhatsi Lyovik”, being in tense relations with the former chairman of the State Customs Committee under the RA Government A.A., decided by the forces of the mentioned criminal group to commit robbery attack on his mansion in order to punish the latter and commit theft of sums on especially large scale. L.S. informed about the mentioned criminal intent to his sister’s husband S.Gh., who agreed to assist in the commission of the crime and, being A.A.’s assistant in the past, expressed readiness to describe in detail the structure of the latter’s mansion and the locations of the fireproof safes.

According to the agreement, A.K. decided to involve his proxies–members of the organized group- in the crime, and each member who participated in the crime was promised to be paid 100.000 USD each by the leaders of the organized group after the successful completion of the crime. In order to cover the costs of returning B.S., who was in Spain, to the RA, as well as other expenses for the preparation of the crime - the acquisition of military uniforms of a special combat detachment and fuel for cars, A.N. gave A.S. 5.000 USD, as well as a pistol “PM” which was a firearm with a clip and 8 cartridges of 9 mm caliber, which was the ammunition that A.S. had given to H.M.

The latter also received a drawing of the victim's mansion with the layout of the rooms and the territory adjacent to the mansion. B.S. returned from Spain at the expanse of the funds provided and military uniforms for 5 persons were acquired by A.S., which were painted black by the members of the criminal group and the inscription "special forces" was made on the upper part of the uniform from the back in Russian to facilitate the process of entering the house. In order to commit the planned crime, the members of the criminal group, in the evening of 26 October, 2008, gathered in the apartment N7 rented in the Charbakh district of Yerevan in building 70 on Shirak street, studied the drawing of the mansion belonging to the victim, the adjacent territory, the layout of the rooms, each received a pre-purchased uniforms provided for special detachments of law enforcement bodies - uniforms and masks, as well as combat, gas and pneumatic pistols, the specific role of each participant in the crime was determined.

According to the agreement, the members of the criminal group on the night of October 26-27, 2008, at about 00:30, in the above-mentioned 2 cars went to the house located at 34 "b" Isahakyan str., Yerevan. A.S. parked the “GAZ-31” car he was driving near the mansion and began to conduct surveillance in the adjacent territory, and A. Kh. parked the “NIVA” car with stolen state license plates at the gate of the fence so that accomplices entering the mansion armed with military, pneumatic and gas pistols and dressed in the uniforms of special forces on the way, climbed onto the roof of the car and jumped from the fence into the territory adjacent to the house.

According to the planned actions, B.S., who was without a mask, climbed onto the roof of the car, jumped from the gate of the fence into the courtyard of the house and, pointing a pistol with him at the person who came out to meet him, ensuring the safety of the house, threatened to use the pistol and disarmed him. Taking advantage of the fact that, hearing the sounds A.A.’s mother opened the front door of the house, 5 members of the criminal group, pushing her, entered the house, threatened both her and the victim’s father and son, who were in the house, to use the pistols they had with them, tied their arms and legs with duct tape taken with them for a specific purpose, covering their mouths with the same tapes. Then, the mentioned 5 members of the criminal group, having searched the rooms of both the first and second floors of the house and found various gold jewelry worth about 45 million AMD, graduation diplomas, a marriage certificate and military identity cards, placed them in the mentioned bag and having committing theft, went out of the house and left in the mentioned two cars.

On the same night, the members of the group brought the bag with stolen things to A.K.’s apartment, and after they left, L.S. came there, who examined the content of the bag and, choosing a gold cross and a chain with diamonds, as well as two watches took them and instructed A.K. to keep the rest until further instructions. A.K. transferred the things for safekeeping to a member of the criminal community- his relative S.M., and on 13 January, 2009, at the suggestion of L.S. went to his mansion located in the city of Tsakhkadzor, where the latter gave him a phone number and instructed to call it and during the meeting give the interlocutor the bag with the remaining stolen things in the total amount of 8.659.000 AMD, which he did. 

For the commission of the above-described criminal acts, L.S. has been involved as an accused and has been charged on the grounds of Article 175, Part 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the RA Criminal Code; arrest has been chosen as a measure of restraint against him.

Within the framework of the same case, charge has been brought also against S. Gh. on the grounds of Article 175, Part 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the RA Criminal Code.

On 28 December, 2020, the criminal case with the indictment was sent to the prosecutor in charge of the procedural direction of the preliminary investigation in order to confirm the indictment and send the case to the court in order to consider it on the merits.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.