07 december 2020



According to the information received in the RA National Security Service, a number of legal entities, leading officials of local self-government bodies by way of persuading, material interest and in some cases also under threat of dismissal, force employees to participate in assemblies organized in the Republic of Armenia.

In this regard, the RA National Security Service calls on not to give vent to such illegal demands of employers and informs that, according to Article 6 of the RA Law “On Freedom of Assemblies”, no one has the right to compel a person to participate in any assembly or to impede his/her participation in any assembly.

At the same time, it is reported that the RA National Security Service is taking all necessary measures to ensure the right, established by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, and international treaties, to organize and participate in assemblies exclusively under conditions of free expression of the will of a person, and all cases of compulsion to participate in these assemblies will be detected, and those who commit violations will be subject to strict liability measures.

The RA National Security Service also informs that at present there are real risks of organizing and carrying out civil disorder in the Republic of Armenia, thus, it once again urges not to give vent to possible provocations, to show high civic responsibility, to refrain from inappropriate modus operandi aimed at spreading hatred, enmity in society, voicing during public speeches calls for the use of violence or statements perceived as violence that can create real preconditions for undermining the internal security of the country or committing other criminal manifestations , therefore it is warned that the RA National Security Service will take effective measures prescribed by Law in the direction of ensuring public safety, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the state and citizens by neutralization any action destabilizing the internal security of the Republic of Armenia.

It is reported that the RA National Security Service fully owns the operative situation and will carry out a consistent fight in the direction of prevention, disruption and disclosure of crimes against the foundations of constitutional order and security of the state, calling on broad strata of the society to show exclusively law-abiding behavior and not to give vent to provocative calls and appeals due to narrow personal or political motives destabilizing the internal security of the country.