03 december 2020



on publications spreading disinformation and mass dismissal from the system of the NSS employees

Regarding the relevant statement of the former employee of the RA National Security Service and various publications in the media on the basis of this statement, we inform the following:
The publications and speculations prepared on the basis of the statement on the personal page of the social network www.facebook.com of the former employee of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Grigory Tavadyan regarding the motives for the mass dismissal of the National Security Service employees from the system indicated in the same statement, do not correspond to reality.
Moreover, even the official duties of the former employee – the author of the mentioned statement were terminated on the basis of his report submitted on November 16, in which he literally stated the following: “I ask you to relieve me from military service according to my application in connection with the transfer to another job”.
Once again refuting the fictitious rumors about the mass dismissal of the RA National Security Service employees from the system, at the same time, we inform that from 10 November, 2020 to the present, only 5 employees were relieved due to their reaching the age limit, 3 employees – on the basis of transferring to another job, as well as official duties of colleagues, who died heroically in the military actions that took place in the Republic of Artsakh, were terminated.
Based on the foregoing, we ask our esteemed colleagues from the media to refrain from publishing unverified information and making various comments referring to it.