30 november 2020



Taking into account the fact that numerous inquiries are received from various media about the statements expressed by the chairman of “National Security” party Garnik Isagulyan during a press conference held a few days ago, the RA National Security Service considers it appropriate to clarify the following:

The National Security Service of the RA has no information on the accuracy of the statements made during the mentioned press conference.

At the same time, we inform that in connection with the observations presented at this press conference, the RA National Security Service applied to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the RA on 25 November, 2020.

Moreover, we urge individuals and organizations that have a peculiar understanding of the functions of the RA National Security Bodies, who for obvious reasons do not own the information received within the scope of powers of the latter, to refrain from publications that mislead the public, provoke internal tension, as well as defame the authority of the state structure.

At the same time, we also inform that if the modus operandi of spreading disinformation and false rumors of a slanderous nature about the RA National Security Bodies and officials continues, appropriate legal processes will be initiated.