Exclusive Details on Involvement of Terrorist Organizations in Ongoing Military Actions

As a result of operative-search exclusive actions constantly carried out by the RA National Security Service, irrefutable data have been obtained that militants who joined the terrorist organizations "an-Nusra", "Sultan Murad", "Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham", "Huras ad-Din" operating under the Azerbaijani-Turkish financing, crossed the land border into the territory of the Republic of Turkey from the Syrian Arab Republic, accompanied by the Turkish Armed Forces, after which, after undergoing special training were airlifted to Azerbaijan in order to participate in the military actions unleashed against Artsakh.
In particular, well-reasoned new data have been obtained that the following members of the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan took part in hostilities as mercenaries:
-Abu Stef al-Hindawi: the latter is a member of the so-called Syrian Liberation Army controlled by Turkey,
-Ahmad al-Tayyeb: the latter is from the Syrian city of Idlib, studied at University of Aleppo, lives in the Turkish city of Reyhanli near the Turkish-Syrian border,
-Abu Diab Halab.
The factual data confirming the participation of the mentioned persons as mercenaries in the military actions unleashed against the Republic of Artsakh were transferred to the investigative body conducting the proceedings, on the basis of which, in the aggregate of sufficient evidence obtained, Abu Stef al-Hindawi, Ahmad al-Tayyeb and Abu Diab Halab who are currently at the scene of hostilities and actively participating have been involved as accused and a motion has been filed with the Court in order to apply arrest as a restrictive measure against them, as well as they have been declared wanted.
In addition to the above, as a result of the measures taken, the data of more than 20 mercenaries participating in the military actions have also been established, including Abu Araba Hassan, Abu Shahir Bzaan, Mahmud Abu Muhammad, Hammud Telkin, Abu Bashir Maaran, and others, who are also currently actively participating in the military actions unleashed against Artsakh by the enemy.
The RA National Security Service has provided the established data on the mentioned persons to various international organizations, special services of partner countries for additional information, as well as for their arrest and prosecution in case of their further detection in the territory of any country.
As a result of operative-search measures the sources of financing for terrorist groups, methods of recruitment and specific ways of transferring from Syria and other countries to Azerbaijan by Turkey have also been identified.
In addition to that, as a result of the cooperation with the preliminary investigation body of two terrorists arrested in recent days in the Republic of Artsakh, additional data have been received on thepresence of the latter in Azerbaijan and on the instructions received.
In particular, before being transferred to the battlefield, the militants were instructed not to leave people alive in Armenian villages, promising a reward of 100 USD for each severed head of an Armenian: not all families of terrorists killed in Azerbaijan received the promised compensation; their family members in Syria were not informed about the deaths of many militants, which caused discontent among members of terrorist groups brought to Azerbaijan.
Operative information has also been received, that after the end of the active military actions in Artsakh, the mentioned terrorist groups will not return to Syria, but plan to find ways of illegal penetration into various countries of the region in order to carry out terrorist actions.
Works in the mentioned direction continue.