17 october 2020

Official Report

Official Report

In recent days, the Azerbaijani side, at the level of the leader of the country, has been actively disseminating information about the alleged transportation of ammunition by civilian aircraft, smuggling through the airspace of various countries to the Republic of Armenia, as well as other similar unreliable phenomena.

The RA National Security Service officially denies similar information that is the result of fictional and sick imagination, the dissemination of which has become the main component of the hostilities unleashed by the alliance of the Turkish-Azerbaijani-terrorist mercenaries, and is aimed at striking a blow to the image of the Republic of Armenia, as well as to the formed close relations with partner and friendly countries.

According to the specific data at the disposal of the RA National Security Service, the Azerbaijani side uses an insidious modus operandi of inconspicuous movement of a significant amount of ammunition and mercenary terrorists into its territory, as evidenced by the flights of Boeing-747 and IL-76 aircraft of the Azerbaijani airline "Silk Way", carried out to military airports of various countries and in the opposite direction. For example, on 16 October, 2020 flight from Baku to Bagram Airfield of Afghanistan was recorded, on 17 October- flight from Bagram Airfield of Afghanistan to Lashkar Gah airport-Baku. The same route is also planned on October 18. Flights are also planned from Baku through the intermediate airport to Kandahar airport and back.

Moreover, similar flights will also be operated after 19 October. At the same time, some of the mentioned flights are absent in the international flight schedule system, and some airports do not have international classification.

These data, which speak for themselves and give a clear idea of the situation, prove that the Turkish-Azerbaijani-terrorist alliance, by such these actions, is trying to expand the geography of the involvement of terrorists and obtaining ammunition, and also, in order to conceal its malicious modus operandi, to attribute his own illegal actions to the Armenian side, thereby also trying to create tensions in various international relations.

The RA National Security Service, formally addressing the international competent structures, urges not to succumb to Azerbaijani provocations and not to accept the spread of disinformation as a basis.

At the same time, we call on to make the reliable information provided by us subject of investigation, to comprehensively check it and to achieve clarification of the true circumstances and purposes of the transfer of military cargo and passengers by the indicated flights to Azerbaijan.