15 october 2020



Attaching great importance to the need to pay special attention to the mood among the public these days, the RA National Security Service once again urges to refrain from publications in mass media and social networks that cause even greater depression in society, awaken the emotions of the families of our compatriots, who have forever become heroes in defending the Motherland, as well as publications containing anxiety, panic and other similar feelings.

At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the mentioned publications can convey their negative impulses to wide layers of society, having undesirable moral and psychological consequences both on the front line and in Armenian families that firmly protect the rear.

Moreover, at these moments of hostilities, it is necessary to widely cover the glorious exploits of the valiant Armenian soldiers and the best manifestations of their boundless patriotism, taking solely as basis similar information contained in the official news feed.