27 september 2020



Dear compatriots,

The RA National Security Service officially announces that in the situation resulting from the military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh, it is necessary to refrain from publishing information, unofficial video materials and photographs of all other sources, except for official information, to use exclusively official news feed.

We urge all mass media not to publish information and unofficial comments not specified with the relevant authorities.

It is necessary to strictly observe all the rules of information security, to be vigilant of the disinformation disseminated by Azerbaijan, if information of a dubious nature is found on the Internet, do not to disseminate it and immediately contact the hotline number 191 of the RA National Security Service or write a personal letter to the official page of the “National Security Service” ( https://www.facebook.com/www.sns.am/) of the social network www.facebook.com.