08 september 2020

Cases of Illegal Trafficking of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in Large Quantities with Complicity of Official, as well as Giving Bribe to Official and Receiving Bribe Detected

Cases of Illegal Trafficking of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in Large Quantities with Complicity of Official, as well as Giving Bribe to Official and Receiving Bribe Detected

Due to effective operative-search measures carried out by the relevant subdivision of the RA National Security Service, as well as the effective support of the employees of the operative service of the penitentiary of the RA Ministry of Justice, cases of illegal drug trafficking in large amounts, giving and receiving bribe were detected, as well as illegal import of drugs in large quantities into the territory of the penitentiary institution by an official of penitentiary service was prevented.

In particular, as a result of operative data received it was established that S.H., holding the position of a leading specialist of the security department of “Armavir” penitentiary institution of the RA Ministry of Justice, having the special rank of Captain of Justice, violating the requirements of the RA Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic (Psychoactive) Substances” and the RA Government Decree No. 270 of 18 March, 2019, tried to facilitate the illegal purchase of narcotic drugs in large quantities, for which he received a bribe, as well as abused his official powers.

It was established that the official permanently endowed with the functions of a representative of the authorities at the request of the convict of "Armavir" penitentiary institution V.Kh., for mercenary motives, on 1 September, 2020, near the market of agricultural products in Malatia, Yerevan, received narcotic drug “Methadone” in large amounts weighing 0.5928 grams, pills containing the psychotropic (psychoactive) substance “Pregabalin” weighing 0.15 grams, as well as narcotic drug “Marijuana” in significant quantities with a fixed weight of 8.56 grams from V.Kh.’s mother M.M., and for committing an apparent illegal act within the limits of his authority due to the transfer of the mentioned drugs in large amounts to the to convict V.Kh. kept in "Armavir" penitentiary institution, received a bribe in the amount of 25 thousand AMD from M.M.

On the morning of 2 September, 2020, S.H. was detained at the parking lot of "Armavir" penitentiary institution by employees of the RA National Security Bodies, who, during a personal search, found and took away the drugs received from M.M., after which the latter were brought to the National Security Service on the basis of a direct suspicion of committing a crime.

In connection with the incident a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA NSS on the grounds of elements of the corresponding articles; preliminary investigation is being conducted. On 4 September, 2020, S.H. was involved as an accused and arrest was applied as a measure of restraint against him. Within the framework of the same criminal case, charges have been brought also against M.M., written undertaking not to leave the place has been chosen as a measure of restraint against him.

Preliminary investigation goes on; active measures are being taken in the direction of establishing the full circle of the persons related to the cases of illegal drug trafficking and giving equivalent criminal-legal assessment to their actions.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.