03 august 2020

Cases of Embezzlement of Sums of Money in Especially Large Amounts, Appropriation of Property Rights of Community by Fraud and Official Forgery by Officials Detected

Cases of Embezzlement of Sums of Money in Especially Large Amounts, Appropriation of Property Rights of Community by Fraud and Official Forgery by Officials Detected

As a result of complex operative-search measures taken by the RA National Security Service, sufficient factual data were obtained that a competent person holding the position of the director of secondary school No. 2 of Gandzak community, from 1 January, 2006 to 1 September, 2018 with a single intent, using his official position, by prior agreement with a group of persons, out of mercenary motives, by order, appointed a number of persons to the positions of a welder, operator, laboratory assistant, watchman, stoker, cleaner, and, being firmly aware of the circumstances of non-attendance at work and failure to fulfill the official duties of about 14 persons, drew up, approved, and certified forged content “time cards” which are an official document granting the right, having legal significance, confirming the facts, as well as other documents that are the basis for the payment of wages, then, entering the documents with forged content into circulation, presented them for payment, as a result of which a large sum of - 114,699,324 AMD was unjustifiably written out from the state budget and was embezzled in the name of the mentioned employees.

In addition, on 14 February, 2008, an official, by prior agreement with the former head of Gandzak community with whom he is in relative-in-law relationship, using a false document prepared by the latter, by entering deliberately false information in the official documents, through deception, fraud acquired the right of ownership to the communally owned land plot with a total area of 0.255 hectares, with a cadastral value of about 1,346,400 AMD, located in the same community-at 1a Hunan Avetisyan Str.

In connection with the incident a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA NSS on the grounds of Article 179, Part 3, Clause 1 of the RA Criminal Code, Article 314, Part 1 of the RA Criminal Code, Article 178, Part 2, Clause 1, 1.1 and 2 of the RA Criminal Code, Article 308, Part 1 of the RA Criminal Code.

Necessary investigative and other procedural actions are being taken in the direction of finding out all the circumstances and the full scope of persons who committed the crime, restoring the legitimate interests of the state and the community.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.