09 july 2020

The results of the combat service and operative-service activity of the RA NSS Border Guard Troops during the first half of 2020

The results of the combat service and operative-service activity of the RA NSS Border Guard Troops during the first half of 2020


During the first half of the year, 26 cases of violation of the state border regime (fake documents belonging to other people) by the RA NSS Border Guard Troops were revealed at the RA state border crossing points. 5 cases of violation of the state border were revealed outside the checkpoints, as a result of which 7 trespassers were arrested, as well as 25 cases of violation of the border regime (56 people).

10 criminal cases were instituted in Border Guard Troops, 8 of which were as a result of the realization of preliminary operative information, 2 - on the facts of violation of the state border.

During the reporting period, 367 wanted people were detected in the border crossing points and handed over to the RA Police subdivisions in accordance with the established order.

A border representative meeting with the Georgian side took place.

Large-scale work has been carried out to better the working and living conditions of servicemen. In particular, in the northern part of the state border, newly built border guard outpost and officer apartments were put into operation, a 5.5 km long border road of state border protection was improved. Capital construction and engineering works have started in the southern part of the RA state border, within the framework of which it is planned to overhaul one border guard outpost, build new officer apartments, as well as to improve the border road network along the state border.