23 june 2020

Another Unsuccessful Attempt of Azerbaijani Propaganda Detected

Another Unsuccessful Attempt of Azerbaijani Propaganda Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, pursuing the implementation of functions and powers vested upon it by the RA legislation in the field of information security, continues to detect fake users who publish and disseminate over the Internet fake information harming the security of the state, society and individual.

In particular, on 21 May 2020, a video was disseminated by a subscriber of the Ukrainian phone number +380963496856, some “Alex”, registered in “WhatsApp” mobile application, and “Armen Tigranian” user in “Youtube” web-page, in which allegedly Azerbaijani citizens are freely strolling in Yerevan where they have stayed because of the coronavirus and are making videos, whereas Armenia’s special services do not take any actions.

As a result of operative-search measures and researches, it was established that the disseminated video is a result of montage, to which the pre-made recording has been attached. It has also been established that, in order to disseminate this video, the subscriber, under the Ukrainian phone number +380963496856, registered a group in “WhatsApp” application, where he included several dozen Armenian phone numbers and simultaneously sent them that video.

The noted fact once again proves that the Azerbaijani side is trying to raise the “combat spirit” of the Azerbaijani people that is in the abyss, at a fake and amateur level.

We once again urge the citizens of the Republic of Armenia to be more watchful when communicating in mobile applications and social media, to be vigilant and careful, show caution, not to panic and not to share such videos, and in case of receiving such video materials, inform the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia about the users sending them.