14 june 2020

Criminal Case Initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service

Criminal Case Initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service

The National Security Service of RA pursuing the rigorous implementation of functions vested upon it by the law to fight against crime, as a result of large-scale investigative-procedural actions, as well as complex operative-search measures, established that officials of Arinj community of Kotayk province, RA, based on personal interest, with the intention of using their organizational-managerial and administerial functions against the interests of the service, with the violation by the founders, participants and director of “Firma New” LLC of the procedure established by law, let out on lease 7.5 hectares of agricultural land, where, after the legalization of illegal structures by the decisions of the community head and without changing the intended purpose of the land as production buildings, alienated it to the above-mentioned company. After that, the 7.5 hectare plot of land let out on lease, as a plot of land with an industrial, subsurface management and other production purpose, was recognized as the property of the company, without providing the necessary information to the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Armenia.

After the mentioned abuses, officials of the same community, again out of personal interest, with an intent to use their functions against the interests of the service, alienated to the company, through direct sales, 0.8147 hectare plot of land of agricultural purpose, adjacent to the 7.5 hectare land owned by the company, and loaded with buildings, without changing the intended purpose and without paying the fees, prescribed by law, during the legalization of the buildings illegally constructed by the company, in order to facilitate their legalization, by presenting it as a land plot not loaded with buildings. Then, by the decision of the community head, the purpose of the mentioned land was changed from agricultural land to industrial one, as a result of which 36.539.925 drams were not transferred to the community budget, and by not alienating to the company, through direct sale, 7.5 hectare land plot, as a land of rural significance, 2.925.000 drams were not transferred to the community budget. By not alienating the same plot of land to the company as a plot of land with already an industrial, subsurface management and other production purpose, 339.300.000 drams were not transferred to the community budget, which caused significant damage to the legitimate interests of the community and the state, which negligently caused serious consequences.

In this connection a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service, preliminary investigation goes on.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.