16 may 2020

Case of Receiving Bribe by Manager of Regional Branch of National Archives of Armenia SNCO detected

Case of Receiving Bribe by Manager of Regional Branch of National Archives of Armenia SNCO detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, carrying out consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption and being faithful to the adopted policy of eliminating these manifestations, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions, vested upon it by the law, aimed at countering corruption, received factual information that the manager of the regional branch of the National Archives of Armenia state non-commercial organization, ex officio being entrusted with organizational and management, as well as administrative and economic functions, being in charge of ensuring generation and maintenance of data of the state pension system in a manner prescribed by the legislative and other legal acts on pensions and allowances, while providing a number of citizens with archives references, with the purpose to commit unlawful actions in their favor, i.e. to ensure a higher amount of labor pension, in order to willfully violate the requirements of the RA law regulating legal relations, to manufacture false right-granting official documents, to enter, with their use, false data related to length of service into the database of the state pension system, demanded 60.000-200.000 AMD as a bribe from a number of RA citizens and, in some cases, after bargaining, reduced the required sum. 

Due to the existence of irrefutable evidence, the aforementioned official, having received once again а bribe in his office under the operational control of the RA NSS, was caught red-handed by the officers of the RA NSS and brought in. During the search the bribe was detected, the briber and the bribe taker confessed having committed the crime. А criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA NSS on the facts of the apparent crime, according to the corresponding articles of the RA Criminal Code. 

The preliminary investigation is being conducted, the appropriate measures are being taken to detect other possible criminal episodes of receiving a bribe, as well as to detect and prosecute other persons involved in the corruption chain.

 Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.