13 march 2020

Eduard Martirosyan handed Order of Honor of Gohar Vardanyan to the niece of the legendary intelligence officer  

Eduard Martirosyan handed Order of Honor of Gohar Vardanyan to the niece of the legendary intelligence officer   

On 12 March, Interim Director of the National Security Service of RA Colonel Eduard Martirosyan solemnly handed the Order of Honor of Gohar Vardanyan posthumously awarded by the decree of the RA President Armen Sarkissian to niece of the legendary intelligence officer Anahit Pahlevanyan.  Martirosyan, on behalf of the NSS staff, addressed words of gratitude to the relatives of the prominent intelligence officer.

“We highly appreciate the work of Gevorg and Gohar Vardanians, the impeccable work in the security bodies, exceptional services rendered to the homeland and boundless dedication. They made a great contribution to the national interests and security of the country and they will remain in our memory as devoted heroes of the homeland,” said Martirosyan.

Expressing his gratitude for the high award, A.Pahlevanyan noted that she was very proud and glad that the Vardanians' enormous work and service to their homeland were highly appreciated in their homeland.  

“I grew up in a family where everybody was taught to be responsible, kind, humane and optimistic. So were Gevorg and Gohar Vardanians. This patriotic and strong, fearless and determined couple went through a difficult path” said Pahlevanyan.

The Vardanyan's relatives passed the Օrder of Honor posthumously awarded to G.Vardanyan for storage to the Museum of the RA National Security Service.