29 february 2020

Another Failed Attempt of Cheap Propaganda of Azerbaijan's Propaganda Machine Detected

Another Failed Attempt of Cheap Propaganda of Azerbaijan's Propaganda Machine Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, pursuing the implementation of functions and powers vested upon it by the law in the field of information security, continues to detect fake users who publish and disseminate fake information harming the security of the state, society and individual.

In particular, on 26 February 2020 a video was posted in the Facebook page with data “Gor Madig Grigoryan”, according to which the citizens of Azerbaijan are allegedly walking around Yerevan in an unhindered manner and shooting videos, meanwhile Armenian special services do nothing.

As a result of operative-search measures and researches, it has been established that the disseminated video is a result of montage. The author of the real uncut version of this video is a woman, who published it in the internet and social media as early as the beginning of 2018, and in that video she was telling in Armenian about the activities of newly opened Rio Mall in Yerevan.  The advertisements on the screen installed on the wall of Rio Mall precisely during that period also indicate the aforementioned. It has also been established that a pre-prepared audio recording was added to the cut version of the above-noted video.

At the same time, as result of examinations, it has been established that Facebook user “Gor Madig Grigoryan” got this video from onе of his Facebook friends, and this friend received the same video through Facebook from the user “Davud Gadjiev” residing in Azerbaijan: The examination of his IP address has shown that his location is the city of Baku.

The noted fact once again shows that Azerbaijanian side is trying to create panic among the Armenian society through fake and cheap information.

We once again urge the citizens of the Republic of Armenia to be watchful in social media, to be vigilant and careful, refrain from contacts with fake users, not to share such videos and, in case of receiving such videos, inform about the users who send it to the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia.