05 february 2020

Case of Stealing Money in Especially Large Amount by Officials Detected

Case of Stealing Money in Especially Large Amount by Officials Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, being faithful to the principle of eliminating various manifestations of corruption, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it by the law and aimed at countering corruption, detected a case of stealing money in especially large amount.

In particular, factual information was received according to which a number of responsible officials from the staffs of Yerevan Municipality and administrative districts of Yerevan, by failing to exercise their official powers and abusing an official position against the service interests, didn’t properly control the activities of  “Davars” Ltd which had undertaken an obligation,  under the agreement concluded with the Municipality in 2014, to carry out works related to the maintenance of garbage chutes of multi-family houses, transportation of demolition wastes and cleaning of river channels. The officials ignored the cases of periodical violations of the provisions of the agreement by the company and signed implementing acts, as well as handover-takeover protocols on provided works and services that had been drafted by the employees of the company with the use of exaggerated data. As a result of this, around AMD 450.000.000 of public funds has been  stolen, through squandering, from the money−AMD 1.862.000.000− transferred to the company during 2015-2019.

In this connection a criminal case has been initiated in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA on the basis of the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA; preliminary investigation goes on, measures are being taken to find out all the circumstances of the case, to establish and prosecute the circle of persons involved in the corruption chain and to specify and repair the damage caused.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.