04 february 2020

Cases of Receiving Deferment of Fixed-Term Military Service and Premature Demobilization, With False Medical Documents, in Exchange for Bribe, Detected

Cases of Receiving Deferment of Fixed-Term Military Service and Premature Demobilization, With False Medical Documents, in Exchange for Bribe, Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it by the law, aimed at supporting the command in maintaining the combat effectiveness and combat readiness of the RA Armed Forces, as well as aimed at countering corruption, detected a case of receiving a bribe in particularly large amounts.

In particular, factual information was received, according to which, a senior neurologist of N2 Neurological Medical Associations' Neurological unit, at the initiative of his acquaintance, in 2019 being included in the committee created for conscripts' medical examination, expertise and treatment, conspired with the mentioned acquaintance about drafting false medical documents and about receiving for conscripts deferments of  compulsory fixed-term military service based on these documents in exchange for a bribe, and then, with the help of that acquaintance, during November-December 2019, received from four conscripts’ relatives a bribe in particularly large amount- USD 8.500.

Besides, factual information was obtained, according to which, the mentioned acquaintance, in order to receive for the above-noted and other conscripts deferments of the compulsory fixed-term military service and to prematurely demobilize servicemen from the fixed-term military service, during 2019, as a broker, received from their relatives money in particularly large amount − USD 45.000− to give it as a bribe to competent authorities. 

On the basis of the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA, a criminal case was initiated on the fact in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA. Due to the existence of irrefutable evidence, the aforementioned official, who had received the bribe, confessed having committed the crime.

A preliminary investigation is being conducted; measures are being taken to establish all the episodes of crime and the circle of persons involved in the corruption chain, as well as to prosecute those persons.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RA-by the court decision entered into legal force.