03 february 2020

Another Case of Receiving Bribe Detected

Another Case of Receiving Bribe Detected

The National Security Service of RA, carrying out a consistent and uncompromising fight against various manifestations of corruption, as result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the functions vested upon it by the law, received factual information according to which the former chief of Garni subdivision of Kotayk Marz Department of the RA Police, during his tenure being an official entrusted with functions of a representative of authority and being a head of investigation body, by failing to exercise official  powers and using them against the service interests, didn't take measures to detect a crime organized by his acquaintances in connection with cases of the theft, by swindle, of especially large amounts of money from citizens under the pretext of allocating areas in the old cemetery of Dzoraghbyur community.

In particular, on the basis of the materials being prepared based on the report of one of the residents of  Dzoraghbyur community about carrying out other burial in the mentioned resident's father’s grave, in February of 2019, after receiving a significant amount of money in cash as a bribe for committing obviously illegal actions,  the aforesaid official ordered the person conducting the investigation to divert the investigation process, as well as ignore and hide evidence and circumstances important for the case. At the order of the chief of the subdivision, the person conducting the investigation distorted the contents of the explanations taken from a number of citizens and, having created corresponding grounds, made a decision to reject the institution of a criminal case based on the absence of corpus delicti. As a result, this caused severe consequences to the legal interests of the state in the field of justice; conditions have been created for exemption of the person who allegedly committed an apparent grave crime from relevant criminal liability; the very essence of justice and confidence in state authority have been undermined.

Within the framework of the criminal case being investigated based on the fact of an apparent crime in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA, charges have been brought against the mentioned two officials, according to the corresponding article of the RA Criminal Code; one of them gave confessionary statements and claimed them during the cross-examination. Measures of restraint against two of them have been chosen; preliminary investigation goes on.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.