10 january 2020


Staff recruitment process is conducted in the Department of Economic Security and Countering Corruption of the National Security Service of RA. Professionals with a knowledge and experience in the following areas are required for staff recruitment:
• energy and nuclear security;
• agriculture and food security;
• state purchases;
• healthcare, social security, ecology, urban development and territorial administration;
• finance and economy, accounting and auditing;
• tax and customs;
• economic security.
For operational officers’ vacant positions can apply a citizen of the Republic of Armenia under the age of 30 who:
1. has a qualification degree of higher education of bachelor or licentiate;
2. has completed compulsory military service (except for the female citizens, persons having graduated from higher education institutions and having completed military training during studies and having passed the prescribed examinations, as well as persons referred to in point "e" of part 1 of Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Conscription" and Article 24 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On military service and the status of military servants" that were exempt from compulsory military service or deferred from compulsory military service and registered in the reserve)
3. has a command of the Armenian language;
4. has physical training, professional qualities, health condition,  moral  characteristics that comply with the requirements needed for national security officer.
In exceptional cases and upon the permission of the head of the Authorised Body, citizens above the age of 30 may join the service in order to take separate positions in the National Security Bodies.
A citizen may not join the service in the National Security Bodies where he or she։
1. has been found insane through judicial procedure;
2. has been deprived of the right to hold a position in civil or other service through judicial procedure;
3. has been convicted for committing a crime;
4. does not comply with the requirements prescribed by part 1 of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Service in National Security Bodies”, or criminal prosecution has been instituted against him or her.
In order to fill the vacant positions the candidates can submit an application to the NSS of RA (address: 104 Nalbandyan street, Yerevan, 0001).
For further details you can call at 015562735, 010589089.