10 january 2020



Since October 2018 a separate subdivision is acting within the Economic Security and Countering Corruption Department formed as a result of structural reforms of the RA NSS, with a major function to combat corruption phenomena hindering the foreign investments. The subdivision is engaged in studying overall picture of the investments; the fields are separated and analyzed, the data is summarized, as well as the most risky fields of corruption are detected.

The Economic Security and Countering Corruption Department of the RA NSS is ready to render continuous support to the steps undertaken by the Government of the RA aimed at formation of favourable environment for investments, ensuring equal competitive conditions and stimulating investments into the real sector of economy.

Physical and legal entities, which implement foreign investment programs in the RA, during their implementation of programs, when facing corruption   manifestations at any level of the state system, can contact the RA NSS (104 Nalbandyan st., 0001, Yerevan) or call to the Economic Security and Countering Corruption Department of the RA NSS with a number +37415579193 or send a message on E-mail  anti-corruption@sns.am.