30 december 2019

E. Martirosyan Visited Border Guard Troops

E. Martirosyan Visited Border Guard Troops

On 30 December Interim Director of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, Colonel Eduard Martirosyan and Deputy Director, Major General Aram Hakobyan visited the governing body of the Border Guard Troops of the RA NSS.

  1. Martirosyan, congratulating the staff of the Border Guard Troops on the occasion of New Year and Christmas holidays, conveyed his best wishes to the servicemen and members of their families. He expressed his satisfaction to the leadership, staff of the border troops with the work carried out throughout the current year, noting that in the near future the Border Guard Troops will be equipped with new necessary technical means that will further contribute to enhancing the quality of service in the important mission of protecting the borders of the Motherland.
  2. Martirosyan stressed the importance of salary increase for the servicemen of the Border Guard Troops, noting that the issue related to the corresponding salary rate supplement for a serviceman of the border service of the staff of the RA border crossing points has already been resolved.

In his speech E. Martirosyan noted also that works on construction of a new building of Debedavan border outpost will be completed in January 2020 and works on repair of buildings and structures and construction of auxiliary structures of other border outposts will begin in the near future.   

A demonstration exercise took place in the center of service animals training of the Border Guard Troops during which service dogs demonstrated their skills in detecting explosives.