30 december 2019

Case of Demanding and Receiving Bribe in Large Amount by Officials of SRC Detected

Case of Demanding and Receiving Bribe in Large Amount by Officials of SRC Detected

The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle envisaged by law of protecting the rights  and freedoms of citizen, considering the fight against various manifestations of corruption as one of the priorities, as a result of receiving a report about crime from the citizen of the RA being engaged in entrepreneurship, as well as the undertaken operative search measures and investigative activities, received a factual information that three officers of the Analysis Division of the Tax Inspectorate Department of Small Taxpayers of the RA State Revenue Committee, as state servants and granted with official authority, while detecting  four unregistered employees in economic entity and abusing their authorities against of service benefits for personal interests, have not taken  any measures towards recording the legal offence, on the contrary, in  October 2019  they  demanded and received 300.000 AMD bribe in large amount from entrepreneur in order to avoid a fine for each unregistered employees, after that for unfulfilled proper activity on the occasion of mentioned four unregistered employees they have demanded 50.000AMD monthly bribe.                                                                                                               

In November 2019 within the frame of the obtained agreement, one of the officials has also received 50.000 AMD bribe from the entrepreneur, however during the last exchange in 26 December, the demanded 100.000 AMD bribe was received under the control of the operational subdivisions of the NSS of the RA, after that the person, who committed the alleged crime was caught and detained by the officers of the RA NSS.

In the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA, a criminal case has been initiated on the fact of the apparent crime, according to corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of the RA. Within the framework of the case one of the officials of criminal conspiracy also was detained; corresponding measures are being taken to detect location of the third offender.

 Preliminary investigation goes on and measures are being taken to detect all the criminal episodes taken place while the officials were in the office and to establish persons involved in the corruption chain and subject to criminal liability.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.